
This is the home page of the

Strathclyde Intense Laser Interaction Studies (SILIS) Group


Press Release (November 2023) The long and short of it: an add-on to lasers realises star interiors in the lab

Press Release (March 2023) Ice-cold electron beams for ultra-compact X-ray lasers

Press Release (January 2023) ‘Ghostly mirrors’ for high-power lasers

  Our large team of more than 25 researchers conducts both experimental and theoretical research into high-power laser-plasma interactions. Discover who we are in People.
   Our state-of-the-art experimental facilites include one of the world's highest average power lasers in its class (350 TW, 5 Hz Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser). Learn about our facilities in Laboratory.
   Our research is wide ranging across the field of laser-plasma interaction and is also integral to several U.K. and Europe wide collaborations. Find out more in Projects.
   All the group's journal publications are given in Publications but don't forget to investigate the highlights with the link given above.
   Interested in joining the group? Click on Jobs to see the latest recruitment taking place in the group.

fs laser amplifier            capillary plasma discharge


Part of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) and the Department of Physics, 
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U. K.