LIBRALaser Induced Beams of Radiation and their ApplicationsThe LIBRA project is a four-year EPSRC Basic Technology-funded programme to develop high power laser-driven sources of protons, ions and gamma rays. The project involves a consortium of scientists and clinicians from eight UK institutions: Queens University Belfast, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (STFC), the SUPA universities of Strathclyde and Paisley, Imperial College London, Surrey University Ion Beam Centre, University Hospital Birmingham and Southampton University. The project will concentrate on developing high power laser-based sources of protons, heavier ions and gamma rays, and aims to provide compact and flexible sources with optimal properties for use in industrial and medical context. The specific objectives for the project are to develop the relevant technology for high-flux, high-repetition source delivery and characterisation. These will be achieved via a combination of innovative developments in target production and delivery, detector technology, beam property optimization and control. Further details on the project are available on the LIBRA website. Project title: Laser Induced Beams of Radiation and their Applications Start date: November 2007; Award: £4,747,342 (total award for consortium) SUPA Personnel: Dr Paul McKenna (SUPA coordinator) Dr Wilfred Galster Professor Dino Jaroszynski Professor Ken Ledingham Dr David Neely (STFC and Visiting Professor at Strathclyde; Project Manager) Dr Klaus Spohr (University of Paisley) Research Assistant (to be appointed) PhD Project student (to be appointed)
News: 15th and 16th November 2007: Plenary LIBRA meeting and launch event held at Queen's University Belfast.
For further information on this research project please contact Dr Paul McKenna.